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RS Pro なべ形 小ねじ M5 6mm 真鍮 1袋(100個入) 482-8723

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新品 3772円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :30901549448
中古 :30901549448-1
メーカー RS 発売日 2025/01/31 13:58 定価 4836円

RS Pro なべ形 小ねじ M5 6mm 真鍮 1袋(100個入) 482-8723

マイナスねじは、DIN85規格に準拠しています。この製品にワッシャは付属していません。なべ頭マイナス小ねじ製品を確認するには、データシート及び留め具選択ガイドを参照してください。この2種類の文書により、さまざまなサイズと長さのねじを見つけることができます。メートルねじ - ニッケルめっき黄銅小ねじは全ねじで、タップ加工済みの穴に使用するか、スルーホールに適合するナットやワッシャと併用するように特別に設計されています。小ねじには、さまざまな構成、材料、ドライバヘッドタイプ、サイズの製品が用意されています。小ねじは、名前が示すように、数多くの物がある中で電気製品、工具、機械、電子機器、車両などにおける各種コンポーネントを固定するのに使用されます。また、ボルトに似ていますが、ヘッドに溝穴があるため、ドライバで回すことができます。組み付けが簡単ですか当社のなべ頭マイナス小ねじは、組み付けやすさを体感できるようになっています。What is a Machine ScrewA machine screw is similar to a bolt but has a socket or slot in its head that allows it to be turned by a screwdriverThe shank on a machine screw is straight rather than tapered with a full thread which is uniform along the entire lengthMachine screws do not tap their own thread into materials like wood screws do but are designed to be fastened into pre-tapped holes in the parts they are fastening togetherHaving a threaded hole creates a stronger joint and results in a higher quality product特長 / 利点DIN85準拠変色しにくいニッケルめっき黄銅仕上げ耐摩耗性優れた潤滑性(摩擦の低減)Pan head machine screws, as the name suggests, have a head that looks like an inverted frying panThe heads are flat on the top and rounded on the sidesWhen driven into material pan head machine screws protrude rather than sit flushPan head type screws are used when a flat bearing surface is needed but a countersunk screw is not required代表的用途セーリングモーターボートその他のウォータースポーツ用途通常、ニッケル仕上げは、ソケットの仕上げや電気スイッチに最適What are Machine Screws Used ForThese nickel plated brass pan head machine screws are designed to hold separate components together in a wide range of applications such as machine parts and electronic componentsThey are screwed through pre-drilled tapped holes in 2 components and can be fastened at the rear with a nutThis brass machine screw, due to its anti-corrosive and anti-tarnishing properties is particularly suitable for exterior useThe most common use for these machine screws is in the electrical industry for securing switch and socket fixingsApplications include the following:Electrical sockets and switches Home and office appliances Exterior projects DIY and maintenance Machine parts Electronic componentsFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat Does M2.5, M3, M3.5, M4, M5 MeanThese measurements are found on metric screws, The M stands for MetricThe number after the M is the nominal outer diameter of the screw in mmHow Do I Cut a Machine ScrewDamage to the machine screw threads can prevent parts from fitting together properly, therefore care has to be taken when cutting them and the correct tools usedCutting a small machine screw (up to standard size #10 or metric size M5 (5mm) Use a pair of multipurpose wire strippers or electricians pliers that feature M2.5, M3, M3.5, M4, M5 threaded holesThese holes are designed for cutting bolts without damaging the threadOpen the jaws and thread the machine screw into the correct size hole to the distance requiredSqueeze the tool handles closed and the screw will be cut at the point where the two halves of the jaws come togetherYou will have a clean cut without any thread damageCutting a large machine screw (larger than size #10 or metric size M5 (5mm) This is best done using a hacksawThread the nut on the screw until it reaches the desired point on the head side of the cutting linePlace the screw in a vice or clamp to keep it secure when cutting and cut the screw as straight as you canWhen you unthread the nut it will repair and realign any threads that may have been damaged by the saw blade.入数:1袋(100個入)ヘッド形状:なべ形ドライブタイプ:スロット長さメトリック:6mmねじサイズ(メートル法):M5材料:真鍮仕上げ:ニッケルめっきねじ山ピッチ:0.8RoHS適合状況:適合コード番号:482-8723入数:1袋(100個入)




